Floating docks : Testing the blue HD Cubisystem heavy duty series in the Gulf region this month.
Floating docks cubisystem
In an outside temperature of 48°C in the shade, a check of the compressive strength was part of the test and trial programme.
A 4,76 m by 3,40 m Cubisystem floating docks was installed on shore on a macadam surface. A large 6,5 t forklift truck and several 2,5 t 4WD vehicles were then loaded on the platform.
The vehicles were kept on the platform for a duration of 30 minutes. The surface of the CUBIS showed no sign of any deformation.

The HD series is used for building floating bridges, allowing transportation of various equipment over rivers and inland waters.
Our HD range offers enough heavy-duty capacity to carry heavy machinery, heavily loaded trucks and industrial vehicles.
A wooden or synthetic deck covering can be fitted to improve wheel grip.

Safety railings can be mounted at the sides to prevent vehicles from falling overboard.
Anchoring equipment is designed in accordance with the local parameters.
Factors such as water depth, current and wind have to be taken into account.
The maximum carrying capacities of our floating bridges and pontoons are:
385 kg/m² in simple layer execution
750 kg/m² in double layer execution
1.050 kg/m² in triple layer execution.

Cubisystem is certified by BUREAU VERITAS