+33 (0)233 045 000
20 Rue Roze 50580 PORTBAIL FRANCE

Floating docks in Ajaccio during Tour de France’s Corsican stages.

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Floating docks- Tour de France.

Installation of the floating docks 28 June-2 July 2012

Corsica, the ‘Isle of Beauty’, starred in the 100th edition of the Tour de France, with the finish of the second stage and the start of the third taking place in Ajaccio. As normal town traffic was restricted, a boat shuttle service was provided. Cubisystem modular floating pontoons served as passenger landing stages.

A 25,84 m by 4,08 m landing stage with gangways was moored off Place Miot; another one, measuring 20,40 m by 4,08 m, was moored alongside Quai des Torpilleurs.

floating docks
floating pontoons
floating docks
floating pontoons


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20 Rue Roze

Téléphone +33 (0)233 045 000